Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Craving Cracking Company

I don't know ... I come down each morning, very determined to get stuck into work. Discipline! that is what working from home is all about right!! and THEN I turn on the computer, check out Facebook which doesn't take long, what takes long about Facebook, is when you put up a post and you sit there with an eager grin on your face waiting for the audience reaction. Just like when you tell a joke in a circle of real LIVE people ... THAT takes ages, especially these days when you ain't sure if it is just that people can't see your post, or that ACTUALLY it really was a bad joke and you should probably give that up and stick to posting photos of food!!

SO then as that ain't working, I try and decide if I will put on a film for background or the radio, but very often I don't really know what I feel like watching or listening too. Do I want a story or do I want music? Do I want to listen to that DJ prattling on? or is that just toooo lively a song for right now? I CANNOT listen to lively music while working ... that is just brutal! I get nothing done apart from singing and bouncing around on my chair, a bit like a pre-schooler with pig tails!

RIGHT so music or video decided on, time to break out the needle and thread, but before I do, I'd better go and tell Hubster what I've been doing and about that funny Raccoon video that you just saw and fill him in on what I plan to work on first and oooo did he know it was raining outside??

BUT you know it ain't that bad really, because when you work in an office, you spend the first hour drinking coffee and gossiping right??! 

Sunday, 2 November 2014

Days Gone By ....

The last post I wrote, was entitled "Keeping the Plates Spinning" ... well, they all fell off and smashed. I got new plates, spun those, dropped some, smashed some, bought more and so the cycle goes on. It does tire you out though doesn't it. There is so much pressure from outside, those around you, but mostly, when you think about it, it is from yourself and what you want to achieve.

Things get put on hold because you feel that people expect certain things from you when really they just want to see what you come up with, or what you are doing. It is yourself that expects that others expect certain expectations from you. Isn't it wonderfully confusing! I am totally grinning at that in my head. So no blog. I didn't know what to write, or how to write what was going on. Plus how many times can you write the same thing over and over because you are doing the same thing over and over.

So I started again. Not because I have anything to say, but because I like writing. I always have. I like to ramble and well, not blubber, but the other thing, that I can't think of the word for right now! if you know it! please tell me, as it still eludes me!

So, being Wonder Woman will have to wait. I am too mentally exhausted! BUT I can unwrap another chewy sweet and while enjoying that, maybe think about getting the paintbrush out tomorrow, because I think I'd like to do that. Not that I'm any good, but how will I improve and achieve all I want to achieve if I sit and mope about how good I'm not. Plus, I have no sweets left, so I really should do something!